“Meeting the needs of the current generation while preserving the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This is the widely used fundamental definition of sustainability as outlined by the Brundtland commission in 1987.
“Our Common Future”; United Nations, World Commission on Environment and Development, Oslo, Norway, 1987; http://www.un-documents.net/wced-ocf.htm; http://www.un-documents.net/our-common-future.pdf (page 41)
The process industries are those industries where the primary production processes are operated either continuous or batch and their products are measured in mass or volume. Examples of the process industries include petroleum, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, beverages etc. E.g. in chemical processes a wide variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials are produced form raw materials by conversion in one or more chemical reactions and separation technologies.
Engineering is the skill, profession and science of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social and applied knowledge, in order to design and build machines, structures, devices, materials, systems and processes. Process (systems) engineering covers a huge range of industries, such as chemical, petrochemical, mineral processing, advanced material, food, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. It focuses on the design, operation, control and optimization of chemical, physical and biological processes through the aid of systematic computer-based methods.